Re: vectors an synchronizing....

Eric Sosman <>
Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:43:11 -0500
nullstring wrote On 11/21/06 11:06,:

Hello together (at such a sunny day:)

I have a question about multithreading!
I want to make a variable count of threads using an (self-implemented)
But I don't want to work with 'synchronized', because of the

    Then make sure the "variable count" is always equal to one.

So, when I add a new jdbc-connection in a vector for every new thread,
and all threads work with its own connection, but in the same vector!
Do I have problems with synchronizing?

    The methods of java.util.Vector are synchronized, so no
individual method call will get into thread trouble. However,
sequences of method calls can still produce "problems with

If I work with the same connection from different threads, YES! (<- I
But only with the same vector????

    I'm not 100% sure what you're asking here, but I think the
answer is "Yes, you have problems with synchronizing." (Reason:
your understanding of threads and synchronization is incomplete,
which means you've probably made mistakes. You need to learn
more about threads to improve your chances of success.)


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