Re: Null pointer exception problem

Lew <>
Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:37:31 -0400
Chris Uppal wrote:

Sadly, it turned out not to be information after all. My mistake.

The newsgroups are perfect for this sort of exchange - I've had many erroneous
notions dashed to the rocks.

Some turned out not to be so much erroneous as approximate.

The fact that all Vector's and Hashtable's (public) methods are synchronized
is part of the argument against it. The other part you alluded to, that they
contain legacy methods that are not part of the collections framework, whose
use runs in conflict with the collections methods.

My issue isn't so much with the classes themselves as with the pedagogic
epidemic that spreads their use without proper education. I would think that
since 1998 all Java training would begin with the collections framework
classes, and teach. e.g., the List interface first and ArrayList second, with
mention of Vector relegated to an appendix in the second-semester textbook.

Apparently not so.

One should never see Vector or Hashtable or Enumeration in introductory Java


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