Re: Using threads to affect probability

Mishagam <>
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 19:56:58 GMT
<eav3g.5299$> wrote:

Just a slight development:

Here's my run() method:

  public void run() {
    while( true )
      try {Thread.sleep(1000); } //sleep for 1 second each cycle
      catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e){break;}
      int randomDelivery = letters.nextInt(10); //get a random number
between 0 and 10

What is 'letters'? If it is instance of Random() class it should have
better name like 'random'. Later you use 'new Random()' for this.
Otherwise, what is it?

      int placeSize = buildings.size(); //get the size of the
destinations array

      if (randomDelivery <= 4) { //evaluates to 40% odds of success

        int randomLocation = new Random().nextInt(placeSize); //pick a
random number out of the array

        deliveries.add((Sprite)buildings.get(randomLocation)); //add
the randomly picked sprite to the array

A toString representation of the size of the deliveries array prints 9
right away (doesn't count up or anything), which is obviously linked to
the "nextInt(10)". I looked through my logic and I'm unsure where I
messed up.

Otherwise I don't see any problems. I don't see how getInt(10) can
influence size of deliveries.

To everyone speculating the nature of the task - this section is
optional anyway, I'm just gonna interpret it as meaning "if number <0.4
receive mail, otherwise do nothing" as someone above stated. As for
dealing with it all, there are "delivery" Sprite objects that we're
supposed to experiment with (using varying speeds etc) to balance the
load.. once I get deliveries working.

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