Re: How to assign a variable to Threads

Andrea Francia <>
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 15:38:40 GMT
Sanny wrote:

I want to assign a unique integer value to each thread.

That integer value is needed to keep track which thread is currently

callfunction1() Called by Thread 1.
callfunction1() Called by Thread 2.
callfunction1() Called by Thread 3.
callfunction1() Called by Thread 4.

Now I want to know in function which thread is Called

if Thread 1 then function will use array[1] value;
if Thread 2 then function will use array[2] value;
if Thread 3 then function will use array[3] value;
if Thread 4 then function will use array[4] value;

How to know in the function the Thread Number.

I want someway to assign an Unique Integer to each thread


See the docs of ThreadLocal:

The relevant portion of the page is reported below:

 >For example, the class below generates unique identifiers local to
each >thread. A thread's id is assigned the first time it invokes
 >UniqueThreadIdGenerator.getCurrentThreadId() and remains unchanged on
 >subsequent calls.
 > import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
 > public class UniqueThreadIdGenerator {
 > private static final AtomicInteger uniqueId = new AtomicInteger(0);
 > private static final ThreadLocal < Integer > uniqueNum =
 > new ThreadLocal < Integer > () {
 > @Override protected Integer initialValue() {
 > return uniqueId.getAndIncrement();
 > }
 > };
 > public static int getCurrentThreadId() {
 > return uniqueId.get();
 > }
 > } // UniqueThreadIdGenerator

Andrea Francia

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