Re: Parallel quicksort

Mike Amling <>
Sun, 16 May 2010 09:15:26 -0500
Arne Vajh?j wrote:

On 15-05-2010 11:35, Jon Harrop wrote:

I cannot find an implementation of parallel quicksort in Java. Does
anyone have one or know where I can get one?

   public static void tqsint_help(int n1, int n2, int[] ia, int depth,
int tdepth) {


      if (depth >= tdepth) {
         if (n1 < r)
            tqsint_help(n1, r, ia, depth + 1, tdepth);
         if (l < n2)
            tqsint_help(l, n2, ia, depth + 1, tdepth);
      } else {
         ThreadSortHelp h1 = new ThreadSortHelp(n1, r, ia, depth + 1,
         ThreadSortHelp h2 = new ThreadSortHelp(l, n2, ia, depth + 1,

   Rather than make the caller guess a good value for tdepth, I think
you'd be better off with
   if (r-n1>WORTH_THREADING) { TheadSortHelp(...
   } else if (n1<r) {
and similar for l, n2.
   The partition sizes can vary, and you could find in some partitions
that n1>=r before depth>=tdepth.

--Mike Amling

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