Re: Wormholes

Steven Simpson <ss@domain.invalid>
Thu, 06 Sep 2012 11:47:17 +0100
On 06/09/12 10:32, Andreas Leitgeb wrote:

Steven Simpson <ss@domain.invalid> wrote:

So, we throw in a ThreadLocal:

    static ThreadLocal<Context> context = ...;

    class MyAppSpecBox extends Box {
      InputStream getFieldContent() {
        Context ctxt = context.get();

We set it before invoking the hierarchy:

    Box root = cache.fetch(key);
    Context ctxt = new Context(...);
    InputStream in = root.getContent();

What strikes me odd in this scenario is the coincidence of
two things:
    There's *only one* specific Box-subclass, that requires
       specific extra information
    The code that kicks off processing of the object tree does
       know about this specific need and does know how to
       cater to it specifically (and the specific piece of
       information is even available at that place).

The odd part is that the custom box is lost in the structure before a
context can be supplied to it, which is the result of caching the
structure, and only knowing the context just when recovering the
structure from the cache. That means you either find the custom box to
inform it of the context, or you leave the context somewhere the box
will look.

Then either you end up with "invoking" code, that sets up
a number of different ThreadLocal<...>s for those specific
Boxes (that may or may not actually show up in the tree),
or you still set up only one such ThreadLocal<Context>,
and a couple of specific Boxes use it.

in the former case it seems like the Box abstraction
completely missed the point.

I don't get what you mean, but the point of the Box abstraction is just
to handle the aspects common to all boxes: they have some
box-type-specific fields, followed by zero or more nested boxes. It's
not aware of the application-specific Context.

In the latter case, it seems as if it might then turn out to
be reasonable to modify the Box baseclass to pass along the
Context directly (even if some Boxes still don't need it):

class Box {
        InputStream getContent(Context ctx) {

This is out of the question - the library to which Box belongs knows
nothing about the application that defines Context.


ss at comp dot lancs dot ac dot uk

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