Re: starting a thread in applet

Knute Johnson <>
Thu, 23 Nov 2006 10:37:05 -0800
<nTl9h.11955$zT4.4312@newsfe11.phx> wrote:

i have an applet and i want to do this :-
when the button in it is pressed :-
in the actionperformed of the button i want to set a flag to true;

another method must somehow know that the flag is set and that method
must start executing

so lemme tell u what i did :-
in the init() of the applet i gave
Thread t = new Thread(this); thread.start()

then in run() i gave
 try{ System.out.println("in run"); t.sleep(1000);
if(flag){methodname();System.out.println("in run if");
      catch(Exception e){System.out.println("exception");}

but what happens in that "in run" is printed only once at the beginning
how do i accomplish what i want to ?
please need help !!!

public class XXX extends Applet implements ActionListener, Runnable {
     public void init() {
         Button b = new Button("Button");


     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
         String ac = ae.getActionCommand();
         if (ac.equals("Button"))
             new Thread(XXX.this).start();

     public void run() {
         while (???) { // while some condition is true, eg true
             // do whatever
             // if you want to sleep in the thread, use Thread.sleep()
             // Thread.sleep() is a static method that sleeps the
             // currently running thread
         // when condition isn't true the thread will end


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute/

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