Re: can anyone [lew?] help with this???
beelzibub @ bawston school for idiots wrote:
... i redesigned my first attempt which usedd a single spinner
now i have 3 but they do nothing???
public static void setAlarm(JButton thedisplay){
JFrame display = new JFrame("Time Is: ");
display.setBounds(1,50,250, 100);
It still does not work, baecause you are still making the same
foolish misakes you were making a month ago.
Nobody will write this code for you, they will simply
attempt to help you understand what you are doing
I attempted to help you undewstand one aspect of what
is wrong with the code, on the very next post. But you chose
to abandon that conversation and instead repost it, ignoring
everything that I, and others*, have tried to teach you.
for (;;) { // forever
} // forever
}catch (Exception e){}
//{ who cares?)
* Like this. Also mentioned previously, but there is stilll
that stupid comment, instead of the simple fix.
Why should we waste time trying to help you, when
you simply ignore us?
Andrew Thompson
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