Re: How to check object(button) exist in webpage or not
QQ wrote:
I am doing a testing on Web application. and wanna..
.. use QTP to check
whether the button exists or not in one page,
How to realize it?
I have never heard of QTP before today. A bit of
googling suggests it is (amongst other things) a
Java based GUI testing API that can (at least to
some extent) deal with ..
I tried: Browser("..").Page("...").WebButton("Exist").Exist against a
page where there is no this button there.
..browsers. My search failed to turn up a link to the
site of the authors (or from that) the link to the FAQ,
or JavaDocs, all of which might be handy here.
Or to rephrase that into the form of a question.
What are links for the three resources mentioned
It just hang there for a while then report as exist ( exist returns
Dont understand why....
What to the JavaDocs fot that method state?
* An as an aside. To best help, to get a thread;
a) read by people who can help,
b) not diverted into long dicsussions on use of
slang or SMS style abbreviations,
I would recommend avoiding use of terms like
'wanna'. Better to spell it out as 'want to' and
get everyone's immediate *techical* attention.
Andrew Thompson
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