Re: JDWP thread suspending user java threads

"Mike Schilling" <>
Tue, 29 Jun 2010 19:33:39 -0700
"Arne Vajh?j" <> wrote in message

On 29-06-2010 21:45, Ethan wrote:

  I came to know that JDWP thread is used for debugging and that it is
used by the debugger to suspend other user java threads. In a previous
post, it seems like most modern JVMs leave thread management to their
native OS, hence it wouldn't be possible for JDWP to directly suspend
other user java threads and it could at the best hope to have them
finish their work and move out of ready queue.

   If this is the case, how would it work with a java thread that is in
an infinite loop, good enough to ensure that it doesn't finish at all?
If not please share any links as to how it works.

If the native thread API allows for suspension then the JVM
can use that.

Otherwise I guess that it would need to get something
put in the code running in the thread.

The JVM is (mostly) an interpreter; that gives it control over all the

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