Re: How can app read its own file ?

"" <>
7 Feb 2007 04:00:19 -0800
Alan Krueger wrote: wrote:

It appears that there is a JarInputStream that can be used to get hold
of the Manifest Object but I'm not sure how I actually get a handle on
a stream for the correct jar file. I know a class file that is always
in the jar so I assume I can in someway use this to get hold of the
jar file being used and then open a stream to it ????

Take a look at the Class.getProtectionDomain,
ProtectionDomain.getCodeSource, and CodeSource.getLocation methods and
see if those help.

Thanks Alan,

I had a look at some previous load resource code I wrote and it also
used the protection domain. Anyway I ended up using this code which
works for both standalone code from a JAR and WebStart code from a
JAR. Its rough by the way just to see if it works I realise it needs
tweaking ;)

        final ProtectionDomain domain =
        final CodeSource source = domain.getCodeSource();
        URL url = source.getLocation();
        if(url.toExternalForm().endsWith(".jar")) {
         try {
                JarInputStream jarStream = new JarInputStream(url.openStream(),
                Attributes attr = jarStream.getManifest().getMainAttributes();
                Set set = attr.entrySet();
                if(set != null) {
          "Manifest Attributes :");
                    Iterator it = set.iterator();
                    while(it.hasNext()) {
                        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
               + ": " + entry.getValue());

            } catch (IOException e) {

The only problem I hit was when reading the Manifest from WebStart I
use the Maven 1.1 JNLP plugin and it dumps over the original Manifest
and offers no properties to define what should go in there :( Bugger

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