Re: Displaying Images
This is NOT an easy problem. Especially, if you use WebStart or a
different thread/classloader needs to load the resource.
I wrote a Java Application framework about 7 years ago. One of the
first utility classes I wrote was something called IconLoader. Feel
free to use as needed.
The entire project can be found at:
Kind regards,
Ed Tidwell
import java.awt.Frame;
import javax.swing.*;
* This class will load an icon and add it to the control passed in.
We will
* add more methods as they are needed to support future controls not
* implemented. If an icon is not found an error message is printed to
* out to inform the caller that the icon was not located.
* Currently we have an "icons" directory in our jar file for all icons.
* This directory should exist in your classes directory if your using
* JBuilder to create your jar file. <recommended solution>
* Made 2.0 so you do not have to create an instance of IconLoader.
Just call
* the static method. This is a LOT more efficient.
* Made 3.0 to work with WebStart
* @Author Ed Tidwell
* @version 3.0
public final class IconLoader {
// this directory MUST exist in the jar AND
// must contain all your icons
//JBuilder note... Create this directory in your classes directory and
//copy your icons to that location.
public static final String ICON_PATH = "resources/icons/";
/** All methods in this class are static - forces access through
class only */
private IconLoader() {}
* This helper method insures we redirect to the class loader that
loads us.
* @param iconName path to resources
* @return url to resource
private static URL getURL(String iconName) {
// have to get the class to get to the classLoader that LOADED us.
// this is so we work correctly under WebStart
URL iconURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().
getResource(ICON_PATH + iconName);
return iconURL;
* Give the name of an icon to look for and a JButton target for
the icon
* IF it is found.
* @param iconName file name
* @param setMe button to set
public static void setIcon(String iconName, JButton setMe) {
URL iconURL = getURL(iconName);
if (iconURL != null) {
setMe.setIcon(new ImageIcon(iconURL));
} else {
System.out.println(iconName + " not found in " + ICON_PATH);
} // if else
} // setIcon for JButton
* Give the name of an icon to look for and a JLabel target for the
* IF it is found.
* @param iconName file name
* @param setMe button to set
public static void setIcon(String iconName, JLabel setMe) {
URL iconURL = getURL(iconName);
if (iconURL != null) {
setMe.setIcon(new ImageIcon(iconURL));
} else {
System.out.println(iconName + " not found in " + ICON_PATH);
} // if else
} // setIcon for JButton
* Give the name of an icon to look for and a Frame target for the icon
* @param iconName of file
* @param frame to set icon image against
public static void setIcon(String iconName, Frame frame) {
URL iconURL = getURL(iconName);
if (iconURL != null) {
// set upper left hand corner icon for OS platforms that
support it
// child applications can easily override the default
frame.setIconImage(new ImageIcon(iconURL).getImage());
} else {
System.out.println(iconName + " not found in " + ICON_PATH);
} // if else
} // setIcon for JButton
* Given an icon name return the icon.
* @param iconName file name of icon
* @return the icon if it exists. Otherwise, null.
public static ImageIcon getIcon(String iconName) {
URL iconURL = getURL(iconName);
if (iconURL == null) {
System.out.println(iconName + " not found in " + ICON_PATH);
return (iconURL == null ? null : new ImageIcon(iconURL));
} // getIcon
} //IconLoader
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