Re: How to do local distribution?

Patricia Shanahan <>
Sun, 01 Apr 2007 22:44:42 -0700
Andrew Thompson via wrote:

Patricia Shanahan wrote:

I have a specialized Java application that is growing.


I suppose Java Webstart would be too obvious?


I had not thought about that, because the job has to run under a make
variant with absolutely no user interaction ...

Aaah. AFAIU, JWS is not suitable for apps. with no GUI*.
I could be wrong, though, it is just that the command line is
invisible, and often CLI based apps. require config. parameters
to be specified at run-time - to do that from within JWS would
require either a JNLP launch file with each different set of
parameters, or adding a GUI based prompt for those

* There's me, running off and presuming a GUI again!

I do need to specify JVM heap size, but that seems to be permitted in
Webstart. In addition, each run reads one XML file and writes another,
so I would need some way of specifying them. I also often use Java
logging so that I can check progress while a job is running.


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