Re: JNLP xsd schema
Piotr Kobzda wrote:
Here is the XSD that xss2dtd produces, based on Piotr's
corrections, above - with a comment in the header
. It's only 270 odd lines..
Possibly "copying & pasting" it caused loosing of some important parts
of the XSD -- now it's invalid (69 errors :) ).
Perhaps! Whatever happened, it happened to my local
copy as well. :-(
In addition to the w3c's list of tools, you may find useful the on-line
utilities at:
The "DTD to XML Schema" tool seems to produce correct XSD equivalents
for all DTDs I tried it with, all in just a few clicks.
Spot on! I'm now working with an XSD developed
using that page* and based upon the corrections you
suggested to Sun's DTD. It is the first time I've been
able to see a 'valid JNLP' (checking against a valid XSD)
message in a little validator I'm putting together.
Once I've finished checking and refining the XSD, I'll
upload it and give the URL.
* I was also considering trying to download Altova's
'trial ware' packs - but at 100 meg, that blows my
entire month's limit of downloads before being
bandwidth throttled!
Andrew Thompson
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