Re: JAVA applet only runs once
scorman wrote:
Have you reported this problem to whoever programmed it?
Yes, He couldn't replicate the problem on his system
Thanks for confirming.
What is the URL of this applet?
Uh-huh. I could not immediately find the applet (probably
one click further than I looked) but did notice the author
offers the exact same app. as a Java Web Start launch.
Now I've seen that, I have much less interest in investigating
the applet, and expect the author feels much the same way.
(Applets are quirky and dificult - JWS is a newer and better
deployment technology.)
Have you tried the web start version of JavaFoil?
Does it work for you?
Note their seems to be an indication the applet can
work in a sandbox, whereas the JWS app. requests
'full permissions'. If it is the 'full permissions' that is the
problem, I expect it is technically possible to offer a
JWS launch file that requests no extended priviliges
(I.E. is sandboxed).
Andrew Thompson
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