Re: Download Graphing Utility (Complimentry Copy)
Dexter wrote:
Download link is
How about offering a web-start launch?
[e.g. grapheasy.jnlp]
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<jnlp spec='1.0'
<title>Graph Easy</title>
<vendor>British Computer Colleges</vendor>
href='' />
<description kind='tooltip'>
Graphing Tool
<description kind='one-line'>
Graphing Tool - Freeware
<java version='1.4+' />
<jar href='GraphEasyRect.jar' size='28802' />
<application-desc />
[/e.g. grapheasy.jnlp]
Put that file in the same directory as the jar file,
and it should be 'set to go' barring configuring the
server to serve the correct content type for JNLP
files (many do, nowadays).
It can also include things like splash screens,
desktop integration, icons,..
I had to make a few guesses - adjust as needed.
BTW - there seems to be a slight 'paint' issue
when the help dialogs are cleared from over the
graph area - the graph is redrawn, but the
background is not (is replaced by 'white shadow'
where the dialog was).
Andrew Thompson
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