On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 11:01:03 -0700, Knute Johnson
<nospam@rabbitbrush.frazmtn.com> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted
someone who said :
I need to send my client a copy of a Java program that I am working on.
I need to send it on a CD with the runtime environment on it. It will
be run on a Windows machine. What I'm having trouble doing is finding a
way of starting the Java program without creating a DOS box along with
it. I want to tell the client to mount the CD and click on an icon to
start the program. I tried to write a C program with Visual C++ 2005
but it gives me assertion errors and I don't know how to fix it. Any
ideas on any part of this?
You might have a look at how I write a self-installing CD for the
Replicator client. see http://mindprod.com/products1.html#REPLICATOR
I use a tiny C program to kick Java Web start off to select a JNLP
file customised for the CD drive.. It assumes Java is preinstalled
though. That is not too much to ask of users. You don't want to
install Java if they already have it.
See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/installer.html
for commercial solutions.
Your program uses _spawnlp() and I tried _execl(). I think I'm having
some kind of a problem with my C compiler.
JSmooth looks promising.