Re: Strange applet behaviour on Windows XP
Qu0ll wrote:
Has anyone experienced anything similar or have a solution?
Not you and your bloody Web Start again! :-)
Andrew, do I need to qualify every post I make with the line "JAWS is not an
option for me - the software must run INSIDE the browser"?
What? You expect me to specifically remember every
person and the constraints of any particular project they
are working on?
I make scores of posts, across 3 regular, and many occasional
groups, every week.
Besides, what if someone *else* read your problem that
had never heard of you. If *you* have been reading this
forum as well as asking questions using it, you might have
noticed a thread recently starting with 'applet' where the
first three replies were the suggestion 'web start'. I was
only responsible for one of those replies.
I am not the only person who sees web start as a far
superior way to launch applets.
All it would take in each of your applet posts (for me to
understand) is the single line "must be embedded in a
web page".
..I know you don't
like applets but I do and I would very much like to know why all applets are
misbehaving on this particular machine.
Try searching Sun's bug database first.
Their own search is horridly slow, but try this alternate.
(Make it more specific, that is just a starting point.)
With applets "Bug happens" - regularly.
If it is not listed, it might be time (must be 'every other
week') to add a new one.
Andrew Thompson
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