Re: Connecting to JMatlink with Applets / JWS

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Sat, 08 Dec 2007 02:45:00 GMT
<7c5be871b6915@uwe> wrote:

On Dec 3, 1:39 am, wrote:

...I will try to adapt the
Ant method to my project, and let you know what happens.


I have tried to read your Ant file as also your code for opening a
file and loading it into a text editor in Java.


..I tried to play with this project at a very basic
level. However, I do not seem to understand where I can input the call
to JMatLink engine which will in turn connect to Matlab.

The usual java code to do this here:

JMatLink engine = new JMatLink();

For the MatLink project, you need to ensure that the Jar
archives (including the MatLink classes) are made
available to the app. at compile-time* and that the
archives (including not only the MatLink classes,
but also any necessary DLLs (or SOs)) are included in
the application's classpath.

* The compile time classpath can be set in a similar way
that I added the JWS classes to the File Test code. The
compiler needs to 'know' where they are, so it can 'understand'
the call to JMatLink.

** The runtime classpath is specified in the JNLP file that is
used. Each Jar of classes should be added to the resources
section of the JNLP as a jar element. The natives can be
also be added (they should be in the 'root' of an archive, and it
will need to be signed) by using a nativelib*** element in the
resources section.

*** A nativelib element is the same form as a jar element.

... Do I need to use some other methods in the
javax.jnlp package?

Many JWS based projects do *not* use, or *need* any of
the JWS specific classes (like the FileOpenService etc.)
so 'I doubt it'. It was simply that this project did.

Try adding the archives as I've specified above, first to get
a successful compilation. If you are having trouble with it
(*even after reference to the Ant documentation*), detail the
error message you are getting from Ant, and we might be
able to help further.

Andrew Thompson

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