Re: GridBagLayout - A simple test program
Daniele Futtorovic wrote:
On 2008-02-10 13:48 +0100, Daniele Futtorovic allegedly wrote:
On 2008-02-10 13:33 +0100, Daniele Futtorovic allegedly wrote:
Use more buttons, say at least four in a 2'2 array, to better represent
the effects of gridwidth and gridheight. Or maybe add the functionality
to add/remove buttons via the UI.
Whoops! Hadn't seen you already put that in. Don't know why I didn't
realise that was a menu item. Sorry.
For people as blind as me: on the top-left, "Change Buttons" isn't a
title, but a clickable menu item.
I've had a look a the code you linked.
The "File" menu doesn't appear on my screen.
Why do you limit weightx and weighty to the range [0, 1]? I haven't
found it uncommon to use values greater than 1 for these fields (it's
easier to devise proportions with integers than with fractions).
UI-ways, if I input 2 as weightx and click "Update", nothing happens --
the dialog doesn't close and I am not told why.
Thanks very much for you input. I think you are correct that it will
need to have a method to set preferred size if not min and max too. As
to resizing the applet, I don't think that can be done. That's the
other reason for posting the source as an application so people can
compile and run it at home. I guess I could make a web start link for
it too and I think I'll add the ability to pack the JFrame from the
menu. What do you think I could use as a better menu title than "Change
I really like the GridBagLayout and use it all the time but it is very
daunting at first. I still have to play with it to get it right.
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute/
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