Re: 3D in Applet

Andrew Thompson <>
Thu, 13 Mar 2008 03:09:30 -0700 (PDT)
On Mar 13, 8:44 pm, Thorsten Kiefer <> wrote:

Can anyone provide me a sample .jnlp file for that purpose ?

I could probably whip one up, but..

I want the application to run within a browser window.

..WHY?!? (sorry for shouting, but I am astonished,
is all) Why on earth would you want a beautiful
(just guessing) 3D rendering 'trapped' inside a
browser window?

I was going to mention on the other thread* that
when launched with webstart, the becoming apps.
become free-floating and can they easily be resized
(if that makes any sense). I was going to mention
that as another plus of webstart, but forgot!

* BTW - to anyone else interested, this thread
began on the rather quiet c.l.j.3d group,
I advised the OP to try a better forum such as
this one. If you want to get tetchy at anyone for
multi-posting, please feel free to do it at me.

You know how much I'll care. ;-)

Andrew T.

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