Re: JWS Program problem with MAC
Andrew Thompson wrote:
On Mar 27, 1:14 am, Knute Johnson <>
(please consider trimming)
Where can I find the 1.0 DTD. I found the 1.5 and 6.0.
Huhh. I am sure when I first checked
that search URL it was showing a whole
lot more hits, but at the moment it is
just the two. This is not that surprising -
if you use the big G to search JNLP files
on the net, the figures will grow and shrink
by thousands each other week.
I'll let you know if I turn up an URL for
the 1.0 JNLP. It is probably included with
the JNLP 1.0.1 Spec* (but I could not be
bothered downloading it to check).
I found that page a couple of days ago and yesterday I couldn't find it
for the life of me. It's bookmarked now. The DTD is in there but it
would have to be edited to take out the footers. If I don't find the
file someplace and I can get up the energy I'll do that.
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/linux/
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