Re: OT: installer for java programs
Leonard Milcin wrote:
conrad wrote:
What are the typical installers used under
windows vista and linux distributions?
I'd imagine with linux distributions it
would come down to the packaging
system used. How about under windows
I would say there are usually better ways than distribute installation
package. I don't know specifics of your application, but I would suggest
you to read a little about Java WebStart. It simplifies a lot of things
- users don't have to download and install your package. They just click
on the link and WebStart continues from that point. You also don't have
to worry about reinstalling when you release new version - just upload
new jar to repository and WebStart will detect condition and download
new archive on next start of application. I use it for some of our
internall apps and with great success;-)
While I really like JWS it has one serious limitation and that is the
sand box. And it isn't the problem of signing the jar it's the problem
of buying certificates. They are expensive and you have to keep
renewing them. If your software doesn't need access the local disk or
the web then it is a great system.
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/linux/
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