Re: Java Web Start
On May 9, 1:51 pm, Roedy Green <>
<i...@home.invalid> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone who said
If I put an absolute path Jaws can find the external tool.
I can't understand from where Jaws starts to follow the relative path.
If you can put the functionality into a DLL, you can get at it with
JNI, and Java Web Start will automatically place the DLL and find it.
The programmer just needs to make sure..
The DLL will be found, if it is in the root of a
Jar file which is referenced by a nativelib
element in the JNLP file.
OTOH, if the DLL is actually an EXE, the way to go is
to invoke an installer-desc from the main JNLP file
which installs the app. in either..
a) a known location (such as 'user.home') or..
b) a location the user specifies, then stores the
path using either a system property, or the
PersistenceService (available through the JNLP API).
(If I had the choice, I would definitely use a DLL
or .so native lib, rather than install an app. -
the nativelibs can be updated automatically by JWS,
whereas the app. cannot be updated, unless it
updates itself).
F-U's narrowed to only.
Andrew T.