Re: help authoring
On May 27, 1:37 am, Jim Janney <> wrote:
I've been asked to look into adding an integrated help system to a
medium-sized Swing-based project: something like the help system in
Eclipse, with an index and a table of contents and keyword searching.
Oh, and it needs to be easy for non-technical people to update.
Looking around, I find JavaHelp
and, um, that seems to be it. And it doesn't seem to have been
updated in a couple of years, which suggests either that it's perfect
or that no one is using it. Is this really my only choice?
I think JGoodies offered a very lightweight (small
download) Java based help tool, though I had not
investigated it.
JavaHelp (JH) is a good solution for delivering help.
I had not seen the page Mark linked to, but had dabbled
in it for some JH by webstart(1) examples (which
probably need more changes to the build and supporting
files - before they will work correctly on the site), and also for a small 'herbal
database' with search.
As to being 'abandoned'. There is little of worth
that could profitably added for only a moderate
increase in download size (E.G. you might argue that
it would be great if JH supported Open Document formats
as used by Open Office, in addition to HTML, RTF and
text - but at the size increase that would result,
it would not be worth it).
Some concern has recently been expressed on the Sun
forums(2), that the digital certificate used to sign the
JavaHelp Jar's has expired. But since the snivelling
dweebs have not even bothered to raise an issue against
the JavaHelp system I cannot see it going further, at
least not any time soon.
(1) <>
(2) <>
Andrew T.