Re: Test - trust in JNLP exntensions

Knute Johnson <>
Wed, 30 Sep 2009 19:07:08 -0700
Andrew Thompson wrote:

I am having a problem with launching a trusted app., and
was wondering if I could get some more test results.

It is at

(for further details on DukeBox, see

The problem is as follows. Parts of the app. require all-permissions,
but others can be sandboxed. I supply each package as JNLP
extensions, and the JNLP file is where the trust level for that
is declared.

The main JNLP declares all-permissions, as does the class that
opens a PlayList. Using Ubuntu/Java 1.6, I get prompted to
trust DukeBox, yet no prompt for the PlayList, and when I go
to open a playlist (any M3U file), it throws an exception reporting
'access denied ( filename read) ...'

That exception is dumped to the console, but also popped
in a JOptionPane.

Can anyone else open an M3U file using the app.?
(If you don't have any M3U files handy, try downloading )

Andrew T.


I'm getting the same result as you, a dialog that says "access denied
( ..."

Windows XP SP3 Sun Java 1.6.0_16.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2009/

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