Re: =?UTF-8?B?SmF2YeKAmXMgRnV0dXJlIExpZXMgSW4gTW9iaWxlPw==?=

Joshua Cranmer <Pidgeot18@verizon.invalid>
Sat, 12 Mar 2011 09:57:10 -0500
On 03/12/2011 12:16 AM, Lew wrote:

Arne Vajh??j wrote:

Just by:
* use default namespace
* remove indentation
* use short names
* prefer attributes over elements
the readability of an XML document can be somewhat reduced.

The first three of these are not really needed if you ZIP the XML for
transfer. In my experience the processing time for the content is more
significant than the length of the identifiers once the XML is at its
processing station, but I'm swayable by evidence. You've alluded to
evidence, you are a credible source, so I now know that these techniques
have increased performance.

Which performance?

Pretty-printed verbose XML is larger than the tightest, most illegible
XML by a factor of 5, if not larger; even the tightest XML is larger
than a well-designed binary format by around a factor of 5-10. You can
store time within second precision in 4 bytes in binary, but the same
value (without delimiters) is 15 bytes in plain text and 20 bytes in a
more readable format. And then you have to waste space on the XML
structure information which is implied by the binary format.

Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
tried it. -- Donald E. Knuth

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