Re: Stack overflows running JDK 1.3.1 on Fedora Core 2 wrote:
I know these are old version but I was wondering if anyone had any
suggestions as to how to proceed on this.
Have you tried ?
My first suggestion would be to move the JDK 1.4 (at least) and use:
-source 1.3
-target 1.3
-bootclasspath /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_02/jre/lib/rt.jar
I have set "ulimit -s unlimited" but that does not cure the problem,
which to me points to runaway recursion or conceivably a garbage
collection failure.
There was a problem with 1.3 and the request stack size not being
honoured, leading to a seg fault (IIRC, rather than StackOverflowError).
IIRC, that could be fixed with ulimit -s, but I think the version of
glibc after RedHat 9 should not have the problem.
The stack size allocated by the JVM is important. You can change that
with -J-Xss. However, you may need to use that in conjunction with
ulimit on versions of Java before 1.6, because -J-Xss does not apply to
the thread the process is started with (the main thread, in Java terms).
Tom Hawtin
Unemployed English Java programmer