Re: A bit confused with SoftReference - when exactly is it collected?

"Oliver Wong" <>
Mon, 13 Nov 2006 17:09:05 -0500
"Thomas Kellerer" <> wrote in message

Oliver Wong wrote on 13.11.2006 22:25:

    The javadocs explain exactly what guarantees are and are not made
with regards to SoftReference. As usual for things intimately tied with
the garbage collector, a lot of its behaviour is implementation defined.

Well the Javadocs says (and that's the reason for my assumptions):

"All soft references to softly-reachable objects are guaranteed to have
been cleared before the virtual machine throws an OutOfMemoryError.
Otherwise no constraints are placed upon the time at which a soft
reference will be cleared or the order in which a set of such references
to different objects will be cleared."

Especially the part about "Otherwise no constraints are placed upon the
time", which sounds to me like "The will *only* be collected to prevent an
OOME", which clearly isn't the case.

    No, "no constraints" means the JVM is allowed to do whatever it wants.
For example, it could ALWAYS clear the SoftReference immediately, so that
the getter always returns null.

    - Oliver

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