Re: how many objects r eligible for garbage Collection ?
Andreas Leitgeb wrote:
Lew <> wrote:
Andreas Leitgeb wrote:
Lew <> wrote:
Andreas Leitgeb wrote:
Naveen Kumar <> wrote:
End of the day.. how many accept that there are two objects available
for GC and how many for only 1 object available for GC ??
Which is the correct answer and how ?
It is even possible, that upon reaching the "// do stuff" part
*no* object at all is eligible for GC !
That is clearly not correct for the given example.
Did or didn't you read the spoiler?
I confess, I must have not read the spoiler, ...
The spoiler (^L'ed and rot13'ed) was, that at the very
This is some kind of poetry? Should I have seen the post to which you are
referring? Were you the poster?
point of where we're looking at unreachable objects, all
those objects that have become eligible in the lines before
may already have been (asynchronously) GC'd, and in this
case these objects are of course no longer there, and as
such no longer "eligible". :-)
While it's beside the original point, I find it a
plausibly possible scenario for the given example.
I do not find this beside the original point at all. It is very relevant and
you raise an excellent point. Good catch.
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