Re: benchmarks? java vs .net (binarytrees)

Lew <>
Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:28:52 -0400
Lew wrote:

Where I work they tune the GC quite
carefully for their various application suites. They definitely find it
worthwhile, given the high volumes they process.

Jon Skeet [C# MVP] wrote:

Oh we most definitely tune the VM where I work too. (Heck, we tune just
about everything.) It can certainly be useful. I just think they're
more the exception than the rule. I suspect that tweaking the GC
*isn't* the exception, but getting a significant and predictable
benefit from it is. (I suspect that most companies don't do enough
measurement with accurate loads to properly judge what's an improvement
in the first place.)

I work on a fairly large-scale system involving several load-balanced,
multi-processor servers and associated stuff. Those ops guys do measure
outcomes, and have various tweaks that help overall. They do have
requirements amenable to tuning, such as that throughput is more important
than pause time.

Maybe my recollection of the Java defaults is inaccurate, however - I
thought they were pretty good. (In particular, much better than they
used to be in terms of the max heap size, which used to *always* have
to be turned up for any significant server app.)

Like many shops, where I am they are still on Java 1.3 in production.

I suspect that when they finally transition to 5 (just in time for its
funeral!) that the tuning will change.

On a different note, having just opened up my newsreader and found
dozens of new posts on this thread, I've discovered in myself a
complete lack of interest in pursuing all of this any further. Thanks
for the interesting bits (which were almost entirely aside from the
main argument). No doubt I'll be posting in cljp again before long.

Unusually for this recurring thread, much of the discussion has been useful,
relevant and interesting, particularly your posts, Mr. Skeet. I don't care
much about the "shootout" results, but the concomitant discussion of how to
tune Java and C# yields some fruit.


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