Re: Throwing Constructor Exceptions and cleaning up

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Sat, 04 Apr 2009 22:09:33 -0400
Eric Sosman wrote:

The hoped-for optimization -- which, as far as I know, Java does
*not* support -- would be a way for the dispose() method to inform
the GC that it need not call finalize() for an already-dispose()d
Thing instance. To look at it another way, the optimization amounts
to moving `if (! disposed)' out of finalize() and into the GC,
which might be able to do it with less total overhead.

    Whether such an optimization would be Good or Bad seems unclear.
For correctly-used objects it could simplify finalization to the point
of eliminating it. On the other hand, it might encourage people to
rely on finalize() in situations where they shouldn't; I can almost
hear the C++ converts saying "So *that's* how Java does destructors!"

I think it would be solution to a non existing problem.

How often will code use unmanaged resource that needs cleanup
and having some finalizer code run and figure out that it does
not need to do anything have a noticeable performance impact?

Most managed resources are pretty expensive to "open" and
"close" and an extra method call that test if something is
null (or similar) should mean nothing.


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