Re: Idiom for forcing class loading?
On Wed, 25 Nov 2009, Kevin McMurtrie wrote:
In article <4b0df904$0$274$>,
Arne Vajh?j <> wrote:
Kevin McMurtrie wrote:
Self-registering classes are not the best design. Under extremely rare
circumstances, references from live classes to the registration
container might not exist during a GC - then it's suddenly empty.
Any detail son that?
I witnessed it years ago in an early Java web server. There was about a
1 in 30 chance that the JDBC driver would initialize yet DriverManager
didn't have it. It turned out that because Reflection was used to run
startup components, there was a period of time with no reference to JDBC
classes or DriverManager. Intentionally holding some references until
after startup completed was the cure.
Sure, that's an example of a very rare and obscure bug. Unfortunately
they're the worst kind.
ISTR they changed the rules about this at some point, 1.2 i think -
essentially, a class is referenced by and references its classloader, so a
class that's been loaded won't be unloaded until not only does it have no
instances or direct references, but all classes loaded by its classloader
are also in the same condition (and there are no references to the
Now, of course, web servers and app servers tend to do clever tricks with
classloaders, in which case that can indeed happen. But DriverManager is a
standard library class, so it will be loaded by the bootstrap classloader,
which remains aloof from these shenanigans, and will never be
unreferenced. If a static variable in DriverManager refers to the driver
class, then it will never be unloaded.
IME the only lousy shags are when she says no! -- John Rowland