Re: Please help - regsvr32 failed due to Invalid access to memory location

"Jay229" <>
30 Oct 2006 07:27:42 -0800
OK, I resolved the problem by myself.

The message "Invalid access to local memory location" is really
misleading. The problem I has was the OCX failed in registration has
dependencies on other libraries. One of library was wrong version of
it. That caused the problem.

Thank you for your help,


Jay229 wrote:

Hi There,

I am working on a MFC application with some Dlls. Development
environment: Visual Studio 6.0 / Sp6 on Windows XP/Sp2. I login the
system as an administrator.

When I was registering debug version of my dll using regsvr32, it
failed. Result of debugging points (using VS 6.0) to:

BOOL COleLinkingDoc::RegisterIfServerAttached(LPCTSTR lpszPathName,
BOOL bMessage)

The lpszPathName is my dll file name, which is empty; although I am
sure the path name has been sent to the regsvr32.

I tried to register the same dll file programmatically:

// Start of the code /////////

#ifdef _WIN32
     // this call failed because file path is empty when it is passed
     // OleLinkingDoc::RegisterIfServerAttached function even I send a
     // const string! Note that if it is release version, it works fine

     HINSTANCE hDLL = LoadLibrary("C:\\MyProject\\Debug\\MyLib.ocx");
     if(NULL == hDLL)
        // See Winerror.h for explaination of error code.
        DWORD error = GetLastError();
        TRACE1("LoadLibrary() Failed with: %i\n", error);
/////////End of code ////////

I'd try to run the 'regsvr32.exe' command in the DependencyWalker in
'Profile' mode. Error Info:

Library that is missing from the system:
  MFC42LOC.DLL (this is a language related library. the warning can be

              , 0x00000000
returned NULL. Error: Invalid access to memory location (998).

Could anyone tell me what causes the problem?

Thank you,


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