Visual Studio 2005 with SP1 and Vista Patch in VISTA OS
Hello I have an application which loads the Property Pages from another DLL.
In First Propertypage I have a timer which runs every 5000/1000 mille
seconds and query USB port to find one of the status of unit connected.
If I build this application in Visual Studio 2003 (installed in XP) and run
the binary in Vista it works fine.
If I build this application in VS2005 with Sp1 & Vista patch installed in
Vista Machine, I get an assert. When I debug the application, in one place
there is a comment from Microsoft (Windows code)
"Warning: Creating dialog from within a COleControlModule application is not
a supported scenario"
My code as follows
BOOL ToolboxPluginDlg::OnInitDialog()
CToolboxIni theIniCls;
if (m_bRunStatusMonitor)
{ m_pStatusMonitor = new CStatusMonitor(IDD_ERROR_DIALOG, m_pToolboxCfg,
m_sPluginSectionName, this);
m_pStatusMonitor->Create(IDD_ERROR_DIALOG, NULL); // this line throws an
if(m_pToolboxCfg->GetPortType() == PortNetwork)
return TRUE;
The problem looks like VS2005 generated code. If I create Dialog using
DoModal() it works fine.
Any one have similar problem?
If I install with out VS SP1, with out Vista Patch in Vista OS and create
binary in Debug mode, it works fine. If I create binary in release mode
application terminates. I have investigated why this termination occurs.
While application starts I call the following function to find executable
file path
AString FileUtil::GetModuleFileName(HMODULE hModule)
TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");
::GetModuleFileName(hModule, szFileName, ARRAY_SIZE(szFileName));
return szFileName;
This function is called with NULL parameter. If it is run in Debug mode, the
szFileName contains actual path and file name. If I run in Release mode, the
szFileName has two null characters followed by ActualPath and FileName.
I am lost with no clue. I appreciate if some one can help.