in a different logon session. When using As Activator Activation ('The
same logon session. And as there has not been any such server running in
'REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE' was already there, and I added 'The interactive
user', then it started hitting the break point.
But what baffles me is this... you can explain this riddle to me...
I had logged in to the machine as 'domain\user1' and that account has
admin right on the machine.
I had configured website to use "domain\user1" while serving
'anonymous' web requests. I had also given "domain\user1" the "Local
Launch" & "Local Activation" permissions.
When I had two instances of server, one running inside IDE and the
other as a result of web request, both had the security context of
user 'domain\user1', this was according to 'task manager'. And "domain
\user1" was already a inter-active user.
So, breakpoint must have hit without me setting 'The interactive user'
in dcomcnfg.exe, but it did not,
please explain this...
FYI. I have know little bit about window station, but not able to
apply it here.
even before I had made sure that 'user' being used is as logged in
On Aug 7, 5:16 am, Johannes Passing
<> wrote:
What setting did you choose in the 'Identity'-Tab in dcomcnfg? Try using
'The interactive user'. Also, did you specify REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE
in your call to CoRegisterClassObject?
--Johannes wrote:
I have a COM Out-proc server developed using ATL/Vs2005 and is being
called by ASP page or web client. I want to debug the COM server, but
the break point is not getting hit. This is what I am doing...
1) Kept the server running in Vs2005 IDE
2) Opened ASP page in IE.
3) A brand new instance of server got created instead of re-using the
existing one.
COM server is a simple out-proc server, I not have overloaded any
methods of 'CAtlExeModuleT' class, and
int _tWinMain()
hr = _AtlModule.WinMain(nShowCmd);
I ran dcomcnfg.exe and gave "Local Launch" & "Local Activation"
permission to user 'IWAM_zzz' and 'IUSR_zzz'.
I can debug if I invoke the server using a non-web client, like VBS
file, so I think the reason for not being able to hit the break point,
in case of webclient, is security related.
Please help me resolve this
Johannes Passing - Hide quoted text -
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