Re: Hooking Joystick Messages?

"Karsten Schulz" <>
Sun, 8 Jun 2008 20:20:26 +0200
Hi Peter,

the old device from Win3.11 is already exists they name is MCI ,u find
here mixer/video/cd functions that layer twain and VFW(VideoForWindows)
ist currently actual exists in Vindows Vista:-)

w95 like DirectX that is the Interface u have should to use, here is a
pseudociode to pull ur Stick:

make a class and declare enumerator callback statical:

static int __stdcall CDirectX::EnumDevicesProc(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE*
pdidInstance, VOID* pContext);

best regards
 Karsten Schulz

#include "dinput.h"


 g_pdd = 0;
 g_pdi = 0;
 g_pJoy = 0;

void CDirectX::Delete()


bool CDirectX::Create(HWND hwnd)
     return false;

   m_hWnd = hwnd;

    hr = DirectDrawCreate(NULL,&g_pdd,NULL);
    if(hr != DI_OK)
     return false;

    hr = g_pdd->SetCooperativeLevel(m_hWnd, DDSCL_SETFOCUSWINDOW);
    if(hr != DI_OK)
      return false;

    hr = DirectInput8Create(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION,
  IID_IDirectInput8, (void **)&g_pdi,NULL);
 if(hr != DI_OK) {AfxMessageBox("DIinput8 create failed");return false;}

 // Look for a simple joystick we can use for this sample program.
 if( FAILED( hr = g_pdi->EnumDevices( DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL,
  return hr;

 return (g_pJoy)?S_OK:E_FAIL;

//u should poll it frequently
bool CDirectX::GetJoy(int &x, int &y,BYTE &button)
   DIJOYSTATE dimsm;
   bool stat=true;


    if( FAILED(g_pJoy->Poll()) )
     while( g_pJoy->Acquire() == DIERR_INPUTLOST ) g_pJoy->Acquire();

  if( (DI_OK == g_pJoy->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIJOYSTATE),&dimsm)) )
   button =


  }else stat=false;

 return stat;

//is static
int __stdcall CDirectX::EnumDevicesProc(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE* lpddi,VOID*
    CDirectX *app = (CDirectX *)pContext;

    HRESULT hr;

    hr = app->g_pdi->CreateDevice(lpddi->guidInstance, &app->g_pJoy, NULL);
    if(hr != DI_OK) {AfxMessageBox("DIjoy createDev failed");return

     return DIENUM_CONTINUE;

    hr = app->g_pJoy->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectInputDevice8,( void
** )&app->g_pJoy);
    if(! SUCCEEDED(hr) )
     AfxMessageBox("No IID_IDirectInputDevice8");
     return DIENUM_CONTINUE;


    app->g_pJoy = app->g_pJoy;

    hr = app->g_pJoy->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick);
    if(hr != DI_OK)
     AfxMessageBox("DIjoy SetForm failed");
     return DIENUM_CONTINUE;

    hr = app->g_pJoy->SetCooperativeLevel(0/*m_hWnd*/, DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE |
    if(hr != DI_OK)
     AfxMessageBox("DIjoy cooper failed");
     return DIENUM_CONTINUE;

    DIPROPRANGE diprg;
      // set X-axis range to (-1000 ... +1000)
    // This lets us test against 0 to see which way the stick is pointed.

    diprg.diph.dwSize = sizeof(diprg);
    diprg.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(diprg.diph);
    diprg.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_X;
    diprg.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYOFFSET;
    diprg.lMin = JOYMIN;
    diprg.lMax = JOYMAX;

    if(app->g_pJoy->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &diprg.diph) != DI_OK)
       AfxMessageBox("DIjoy Property1 failed");
       return DIENUM_CONTINUE;

    // And again for Y-axis range
    diprg.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_Y;

    if(app->g_pJoy->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &diprg.diph) != DI_OK)
       AfxMessageBox("DIjoy Property2 failed");
       return false;

    // Set deadzone.
    DIPROPDWORD dipdw;
    dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof( dipdw );
    dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof( dipdw.diph );
    dipdw.diph.dwObj = 0;
    dipdw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE;
    dipdw.dwData = JOYDEAD;

    if ( FAILED( app->g_pJoy->SetProperty( DIPROP_DEADZONE,
&dipdw.diph ) ) )
        return FALSE;

    // Set saturation.
    dipdw.dwData = JOYSAT;
    if ( FAILED( app->g_pJoy->SetProperty( DIPROP_SATURATION,
&dipdw.diph ) ) )
        return FALSE;

  AfxMessageBox("DIjoy NO PTR failed");
     return false;

    return DIENUM_STOP;

"Peter Olcott" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

I want to hook all joystick messages to are send to an application In
Windows XP, using MFC or Win32. SetWindowsHookEx() does not seem to provide
for hooking messages from hardware devices besides the mouse and the
keyboard. Does anyone know how to hook messages to a joystick?

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