Thanks for the fast reply.
I need just a little more hand holding because it's not working ... I'm
not new to VC++ but no expert either ... just learning as I go along.
my code is ...
And get the following error ...
THB_GUIDlg.cpp(198) : error C2664: 'CRichtextoutput::LoadFile' : cannot
convert parameter 2 from 'int' to 'VARIANT'
No constructor could take the source type, or constructor
overload resolution was ambiguous
Thanks again for your help.
AliR wrote:
0 for RTF
1 for None RTF
If you imported the control throught visual studio, take a look at the h
file that it created for the control. line 90 has the enum for the
<> wrote in message
Im creating a VC++ MFC Form View application. I'm adding a microsoft
rich textbox control v6.0 control. I would like to open a plain text
file in the control using ...
MyRTBCtrl.LoadFile(LPCTSTR bstrFilename, VARIANT vFileType)
What do I enter for the argument VARIANT vFileType? I can't seem to
find any good documentation on this thing ... and most of the stuff in
the groups is VB.