Re: saving a word document in a runtime path and in a special path

Alex Blekhman <xfkt@oohay.moc>
Wed, 27 Sep 2006 18:20:43 +0300
golnar wrote:

I have a code that Stuart sent me. it reads some numbers from a file,
makes a bar chart
based on them and saves the chart in a word document. my problem is it
asks the user to save the file in his/her chosen path. whereas I need
it to save the document in a word document whose name is provided in a
txt file. I have tried to use saveas() instead of save() but couldn't
set the
variables appropiately because they must be of type VARIANT * which I
haven't come across with before. So, my desirable file was not created.

could you please help me solve this problem? the code is as follows and

I am using visual studio 6. vc++.

 > [...]


You've been answered already to call SaveAs instead of Save.
Since you're using ATL you have CComVariant class (#include
<atlcomcli.h>). Just create the instance and pass it as
parameter for SaveAs:

CComVariant varPath = _T("C:\\MyFile.doc");


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