Re: CCommandLineInfo and MFC GUI

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>
Wed, 13 Jun 2007 20:10:33 -0500
On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 17:23:42 -0700, one-trick-pony
<> wrote:


I am trying to write an MFC-based application which can be run via
command line.

It should not pop up GUI if following line is executed:

C:\>myapp.exe /nogui

It should execute normally when following line is executed:


I am able to parse command line arguments using CCommanLineInfo
class. If user executes the program from command prompt with /nogui
option then application should run code and it should pop up messages
as to its progress and never the main program GUI. After it has done
executing code it should gracefully exit. Need some pointers on how
to properly accomplish this. Thanks.

Your application class's InitInstance function should detect this option
and change its behavior accordingly. For example, a dialog application
would do something like this:

if (no_gui)
   // handle no GUI case
   CMyDlg dlg;
   if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) ...

Getting a GUI program to observe other command line conventions such as
having stdio, I/O redirection, etc may be more challenging. I've always
dodged the question by writing real console programs that control the GUI
program or obtain their functionality by using DLLs shared between the two.

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP

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