Re: CAtlMap

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Mon, 8 Oct 2007 11:51:21 -0500
And if you want my opinion I wouldn't inherit from a Map at all. I would
create a class and have a the Map as a private member and write the
necessary accessor methods to manipulate it.
But that all depends on why you want to inherit from a map in the first


"mosfet" <> wrote in message

AliR (VC++ MVP) a ?crit :

The = operator for CAltMap is private. Which simply means that the =
operator is not allowed for this class.

If you want to allow assignment for two CAltMap classes then you will
need to write your own = operator that does a deep copy.

May I ask why you are not using CMapStringToString?

"mosfet" <> wrote in message

I would like to derive a class from a CAtlMap and I have declared it
like this :

class WebHeaderCollection : public CAtlMap<CString, CString>

but when I compile I get 1>c:\_wce_v42\inc\VoxNet.h(145) : error C2248:
'ATL::CAtlMap<K,V>::operator =' : cannot access private member declared
in class 'ATL::CAtlMap<K,V>'

How can I fix this ?
Do I need to add an overloading operator ???

Because I didn't know this class!

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