Re: jpeg2000 thumbnail
Hi Andrea.
uhmm the last part is not indented on my mail client.
drag the Code, and drop him to edit.exe
is this a clistctrl derived class?
yes it is, u make a class from CListCtrl:: and use CListCtrl:: SetImageList
, if u have Create the Control via :
< 0)
return -1;
u have should Set a ImageList , for the IconView.
To update/add the BitmapInformation, must study the Code, the CDib:: handle
all the stuff to blit
jpg via Ole' into your Thumbnail.
ILC_COLOR24 | ILC_MASK, 0, 0))
return -1;
greetings and best regards
Karsten Schulz
"Andrea Visinoni" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
On 9 Giu, 23:06, "Karsten Schulz" <> wrote:
Hi Andrea,
this is the stuff who u need .
Karsten Schulz
uhmm the last part is not indented on my mail client.
is this a clistctrl derived class?