Re: CoInitialize/CoUninitialize

"Alex Blekhman" <>
Wed, 25 Jun 2008 18:06:23 +0300
"George" wrote:


I think using WinDbg is much clear to set a breakpoint. I just
use bm
CoInitialize, I think I can achieve the same effect. Right?

So WinDbg does the mangling for you, that's all.


Using Visual Studio, are there any easier way to set break point
in system API? e.g. like what we did in WinDbg, just type the
API name is ok, no need to calculate size of parameters and DLL

There is no such thing as "just API name". API name is mangled. I
tried to use undecorated names with VC++, but it have never
worked. It is not difficult to calculate the mangled name, though.

BTW: there are a couple of call conventions, how do you know it
is stdcall? Not fastcall or something else?

I looked it up in ObjBase.h file. `CoInitializeEx' is declared as
WINOLEAPI. So you stand on the token with a carret and press F12
until you get to the bottom. WINOLEAPI is expanded to
STDAPICALLTYPE among other things, which in its turn is expanded
to __stdcall.


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