Re: MFC GoTo Bookmark Error

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>
Sun, 17 Aug 2008 23:57:18 -0500
On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 21:05:04 -0700, Landon
<> wrote:

Yeah, the other functions are OK. ACTUALLY, the GoTo itself is successful,
it was an exception that stop the process.
But I don't know what cause it.

I thought you said the GoTo was throwing the exception. If not, what is,
and what's the exception say? Below, I'm going to assume the GoTo is still
the problem.

Here is the link to the MSDN site about Selection, but it is so difficult to
look for MFC part, a lot of them are in VB or C#.

Thanks for the link.

I have read it thouroughly, gone to google, MSDN, everywhere but it still
big question in my mind.

Here is my function to acquire the bookmark. Acquiring the bookmark is no
problem but to update it still become a question for me.

As you see in my code below, I was trying to update the bookmark named
"hday" but it did not work.

void CToiawaseDlg::UpdateDocBookmarks( const CString sFilePath, CHistory*
pHistory )
    COleVariant m_True( ( short )TRUE ), m_False( ( short )FALSE ),
                m_Long( ( long )DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR );

The m_True and m_False definitions are suspect, as VARIANT_TRUE != TRUE.
You probably need to write m_True(VARIANT_BOOL, VT_BOOL) and similarly for


     COleVariant vtBookmark( ( short ) -1 ),
                vtNext ( ( short ) 2 ),
                vtName ( ( CString ) "support" ),
                vtLoopVar ( ( short ) 1 );


         selObj.GoTo( vtBookmark, vtNext, COleVariant( vtLoopVar ), COleVariant(
sBookmarkName ) );

I also think all these but vtName are initialized to the wrong variant
type. You should be using the relevant enums to initialize vtBookmark and
vtNext. Where did you get the idea to cast them to short (VT_I2)? When I
use #import to create the .tlh/.tli files from MSWORD.OLB, the compiler
emits their types as simple enums, whose sizeof == 4. Thus, I would think
they should be VT_I4. Have you tried casting them to long? I would think
that vtLoopVar should be long as well. Hope this helps...

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP

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