Re: very large toolbar buttons
It looks like I am doing something fishy and it is somewhere in the
code snippets below. I tried just loading a toolbar from the resource
editor that has one button and it does not have the expanding problems.
In the following snippets pToolBar is a pointer to a CToolBar object,
technically a COXSizeToolBar because of Ultimate Toolbox but that
should not make any difference. m_toolbarIL is a CImageList
In order to build the toolbar I first delete all of the buttons from it
by doing:
while ( pToolBar->GetToolBarCtrl().DeleteButton(0) == TRUE ){}
Then I create a new image list:
m_toolbarIL.Create(20, 20, ILC_COLOR24 | ILC_MASK, 1, 1);
I add each button manually using the sequence below:
CBitmap bmpImage;
TBBUTTON tbButton;
tbButton.iBitmap = -1;
tbButton.iString = -1;
tbButton.fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
tbButton.fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
tbButton.idCommand = 0;
tbButton.idCommand = nCommandID;
bmpImage.LoadBitmap( nBitmapID );
tbButton.iBitmap = m_toolbarIL.Add(&bmpImage, RGB(255, 0, 255));
tbButton.iString = pToolBar->GetToolBarCtrl().AddStrings( strItemName
pToolBar->GetToolBarCtrl().InsertButton(nIndex, &tbButton);
Am I doing something wrong here?
stephen2002 wrote:
Somehow all of my toolbar items are ending up at a size of 135x40. I
have tried setting the size down to what it should be, 20x20 for the
bitmap size and 27x26 for the button size but for some reason after the
application finishes loading up and goes into the idle processing the
sizes pop back to the large size. I happen to be using Ultimate
Toolbox, but it sets/gets all of it's size data from the standard MFC
If I don't bother calling SetSizes then the toolbar buttons start out
and stay at 135x40. The toolbar is drawn with the very large buttons
and all of them are visible.
(screen shot)
If I do call SetSizes then the buttons shrink down to the size that I
specify and the toolbar is drawn at a normal size for a short amount of
(screen shot)
After a while (it really vaires) they pop to the large size trapped in
the small toolbar.
(screen shot)
I have put a break point in CToolBar::SetSizes and it never gets called
with dimensions other than what I expect, in other words I never see
135x40 float on through there.
The size of the button is being returned by a call to
CToolBarCtrl::GetItemRect and this is returning the large rectangle.
Now I can't figure out where it ever gets the huge size from.
One thing to note is that I am not using LoadToolbar but instead am
constructing the toolbar buttons myself, since the buttons are
added/removed dynamically during runtime. I have looked through
LoadToolbar and can't find anything that it is doing that I am not
doing. Another important thing is that sometimes buttons stay at the
correct size for a while and then get bigger later. Doing something
like locking/unlocking the taskbar is one way to make the buttons flip
to their huge size.
I have been trying to figure out what is going on here for a couple of
days with no luck. Does anybody have any ideas or hints as to where I
should go looking?