Device Context in XP problem

"Mullai" <>
29 Dec 2006 22:02:59 -0800
Hi Frendz,

       I am working in an application in VC++ 6.0 in Windows 98
platform for drawing images.It works well in win 98 . I am trying to
import the same application for Windows XP. While doing this the DEVICE
CONTEXT creates problem.

///////////////////MY CODE//////////////

int CPicture::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    if (CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
        return -1;
    CPaintDC dc(this);
    CRect clientRect;

    CPageWindow *page=(CPageWindow *)GetParent();

        int oldmapmode=dc.SetMapMode(MM_HIENGLISH);

    m_memDC=new CDC();
    m_memBitmap=new CBitmap();
    return 0;
/////////////////////////// end of code/////////////

My problem is after converting from LPtoDP the client rect value is
top=0 bottom=1680 left=0 right= 1054 clientrect(0 1680 0 1054)

in Windows 98 the LPtoDP the client rect value is ient rect value is
top=0 bottom=1984 left=0 right= 1245 clientrect(0 1984 0 1245)

because of this change in the dc the picture position changes..... Can
u pl help how to make the DC compatible for windows xp from wimdows 98

Thanx in advance

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