Re: save DC as bitmap to file

Stuart Redmann <>
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 13:33:25 +0100
Matthias Pospiech wrote:

I have a derived CStatic class CGraphCtrl which I use to paint 2D Data
to the screen. The same data shall be saved to a file as a bitmap (bmp
or other standard file format)

The OnPaint() function looks like this:

void CGraphCtrl::OnPaint()
    CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting

    CRect rc;

    CMemDC pDC(&dc, &rc);
        for (int ix=0; ix < m_PixelNumberX; ix++)
            for (int iy=0; iy < m_PixelNumberY; iy++)

You may consider using bitmaps here, as well. If you have one call to
GDI just to set a single pixel, you're not very quick. I paint my images
into bitmaps and let GDI do the scaling for me (I guess that you use
FillSolidRect in order to scale the images).


Google for the Win32 API function CreateDIBSection or CreateBitmap for
creation of a bitmap. For saving the bitmap you should google for
BITMAPINFO. If you don't want to spend to much time wrestling with the
plain Win32 API, you can use GDI+ (available from WinXP on, but can be
downloaded for free). The GDI+ class that does the trick is called Image.


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