Re: problem with flickering in dialog

=?Utf-8?B?UmFpbk1hbg==?= <RainMan@online.nospam>
Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:42:01 -0800
Joseph M. Newcomer:
Could you please elaborate on: 2ZAvoid UpdateData entirely. It will flicker
you to death.2\?
For setting text, DDX does exactly the same thing you showed in a code
snippet. I am confused.
Double buffering is not going to help you, since dialogs are handling
repainting; dialogs do. I have just built a project according to your
description and I have no problem with flickering. I used CView derived class
as a host (parent) of modeless dialogs and I resize dialog as view resizes.
Have you consider using CFormView derived class? It already deals with using
dialogs as views.
The only thing I can suggest without seeing your code (project) is getting
rid of CS_VREDRAW and CS_HREDRAW class styles for your view.
I am not sure if managed newsgroups have ability to post files.


"Peter" wrote:

Thanks, for good tip.
What do you mean by "essays" ?
Have you written some articles about this topic ?
If yes, where can I found it ?


"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

Generally, no. I have classes like

class CStaticEx : public CStatic {
    void SetWindowText(LPCTSTR s)
                                  CString old;
                                  if(old == s)

Avoid UpdateData entirely. It will flicker you to death.

For ListBoxes, as already pointed out, SetRedraw(FALSE) is good before doing massive

See my essays on avoiding UpdateData, and dialog control managment, for example.

On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 07:29:02 -0800, Peter <> wrote:

I found several articles how to avoid flickering in dialog with help of
double buffer.
But all of them describes case when drawing functions like LineTo() and others
are used to draw on memory device context surface and then all bitmap is
copied from memory to window device context with BitBlt().

I need to avoid flickering in CView derived which contains several another
modeless dialogs placed on CView derived view. These child dialogs contains
many controls: buttons, checkboxes, list boxes etc...
My question is if it is possible to use double buffer technique also in
this case ?
If yes, where can I found some example, doc or links ?

Thx !

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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